In 2012, Profiles International has completed Baltics Most Productive Companies research to determine the common characteristics of region’s high performing companies. Labor productivity were defined in terms of revenue produced per full-time employee. Financial data and employee number information for year 2011 from 1185 companies were analyzed from different industries, companies were organized into 15 key sectors, and 22 sub-categories.
Results of this extensive research discovered that ELKO Group is the most productive company in wholesale industry sector.
Profiles International provides an array of employee assessment instruments used to put people in the right jobs, help managers lead, coach, and motivate effectively, and help all employees direct their efforts to achieve greater productivity and profitability. Profiles International central office is in Texas, USA, other agencies and partners work in more than 100 countries. Profiles International – Baltic operates in Baltics states working with partners in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.