CRMWeb is now being implemented by Epinvest, one of the most important Bosch authorized distributors in Romania, in order to optimize the companies’ internal processes.
Epinvest appreciates CRMWeb for “the role it has in making the work of sales agencies more efficient, keeping a good relationship with the clients and increasing sales” says Andreea Cojocari, marketing responsible Epinvest. “We are active in the service and trade market for more than 15 years, having a chain of stores in five Romanian counties – Cluj, Alba, Maramures, Brasov and Harghita. What we want to accomplish with CRMWeb is to automate our selling and promoting activities inside the company, to measure the efficiency of our marketing campaign and to easily manage our clients data base.” continues Andreea Cojocari.
CRMWeb is an efficient application for customer relationship management used by tens of companies from different areas in Romania. The application supports the marketing, sales and client assistant departments with instruments that enable an efficient organization of specific activities in these departments and reduce costs through the automation of internal processes.
CRMWeb functions make it an ideal solution for construction, distribution, trade and service companies, like Epinvest.
The quality and technical stability of the application, confirmed by Microsoft and Oracle, complete the business advantages offered by CRMWeb. Other benefits refer to free technical assistance and the possibility to personalize the application considering the specific needs and the expectations of each client.