Et netera creates on-line betting for Fortuna

Et netera has built the website for Fortuna, which provides fast on-line betting. The sazky live project was gradually implemented and launched in several phases. Now, the fourth and final phase has been added. It allows people to make live bets very quickly and easily, even during a particular sporting event.

At first glance, the design has become more modern, accessible and easier to understand. Et netera also adjusted some betting functions, especially the betting ticket and odds sections, to make them easier to work with. The former sazky live system demanded the user create a betting ticket like a regular bet. With the launch of this final phase, sazky live has truly gone live. Users now see information about a selected event, including the score and what is happening, in real time and then use that information to place a bet in only a few clicks without leaving the event’s information page.

The fundamental condition for the success of sazky live is not only the ease of operation and security, but also stability and speed.

„The website must constantly be accessible and is extremely heavily loaded, especially during periods of high traffic. Everything has to run absolutely smoothly. That was also one of the reasons we massively stressed a streamlined architecture,” said Et netera a.s.sales manager Pavel Novak.

This step means that Fortuna has again raised the bar of on-line betting another notch.

„Bettors now have an unrivaled tool available to them and we now have the best on-line betting service on the market. Our Czech competition does not come even close to offering such a product,” said Michal Hanak the chief bookmaker for Fortuna.

A look under the hood to see how a betting office works.

What does on-line betting really look like? In a control room somewhere, a man is ceaselessly typing into a computer everything he sees on the monitors in front of him. At the same time, bookmakers open new bets and post new odds depending on how the event is developing. This data in xml format is then transferred into a system and processed into a flash interface.

Source: Et netera

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