EU Gateway Programme – ICT business mission to Japan
Deloitte Bulgaria has provided BASSCOM with information about EU Gateway Program guided by the European Commission. The aim of the Program is to support the companies form the EU to implement a successful strategy and to consolidate their market positions in Japan and Korea. Furthermore, it provides the firms form the EU region with the opportunity to establish cooperation/business relations with Japanese and Korean companies and to receive information in person for the business opportunities in these countries.
Deloitte as an executor of the Program supports the companies in the whole process from the application throughout the final day of the event.
The companies from the ICT sector can also apply for the Program and their participation in the business mission to Japan is partially financed (for the ICT sector Korea is not considered as a destination). Despite the stipulated meetings, the program contains and two business days during which the company has the opportunity to present its own products and services among local potential partners.