Exadel’s Lev Shur and Appery’s Niki Scherer and Max Katz represented us at the Spring 2015 (April 19–21) [BE] Midmarket CIO Forum to talk about how Exadel and Appery.io can help businesses with their enterprise mobility ambitions.
Here’s a a brief report from Niki Scherer about her experiences there:
Appery.io participated in the BE Mid-Market CIO Forum in Orlando, Fl. this week.
The forum draws over a hundred forward thinking CIOs and executives from across the country to network and discuss best practices for the challenges that enterprises are experiencing.
Top areas of discussion included security, mobile, and how to build flexible systems for changing environments.
Appery.io was welcomed as a new contender for meeting the app development needs of the enterprise. I believe this is because we have exactly what is needed by organizations everywhere, which is a powerful enterprise-grade solution that is cost-effective, sustainable, and secure.