Exadel Featured in eWEEK for Appery​.io Mobile App Platform

Exadel Featured in eWEEK for Appery​.io Mobile App Platform

Both Exadel and Appery.io (our product) popped up in a re­cent ar­ticle in eWEEK about code­less tools and plat­forms for mo­bile apps coming from “cit­izen de­vel­opers.” Here’s the ex­cerpt from the article.

Mobile app de­vel­op­ment en­vi­ron­ment provider Exadel’s Appery.io of­fers a cloud-based rapid de­vel­op­ment en­vi­ron­ment with in­te­grated back-end ser­vices and a cat­alog of API plug-ins that sim­plify in­te­gra­tion with cloud ser­vices and en­ter­prise systems.

As part of its so­lu­tion, Appery.io also fea­tures a no-code, RAD environment.

“Our cloud-based mo­bile plat­form re­quires no coding, but it’s unique in that it also sup­ports the needs of pro­fes­sional pro­gram­mers,”

Francisco Kattan, vice pres­i­dent of mar­keting at Exadel, told eWEEK.

“It’s not like code­less tools are re­placing coding tools; it’s about em­pow­ering a much broader base of de­vel­opers to in­no­vate. The number of Java, C++ and C# pro­gram­mers is lim­ited and we can’t keep up with demand.”

Kattan said Exadel ex­pects that 25 per­cent of all apps that will be de­vel­oped for the en­ter­prise by 2015 will be built using code­less tools.

He also cited a Gartner re­port that pre­dicts that by 2018 more than half of all apps will be built with code­less tools.

“We have a graph­ical de­vel­op­ment en­vi­ron­ment, but we don’t limit you to the GUI,”

he said.

Appery.io re­cently an­nounced it has reached more than 150,000 de­vel­opers that are using the platform.

Getting into the specifics of the plat­form, Max Katz, head of de­vel­oper re­la­tions for Appery.io, said,

“We al­ways start with HTML5. Then we can take that HTML5/JavaScript app and package it for mo­bile. We use PhoneGap/Apache Cordova. We can build mo­bile, web apps or hy­brid apps.”

“Among the system’s un­der­lying tech­nology is HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, Bootstrap and MongoDB, among other things,”

Katz said.

“We re­searched all the leading mo­bile app plat­forms and, chose Appery.io for its in­tu­itive vi­sual de­vel­op­ment en­vi­ron­ment, in­te­grated backend ser­vices and its cat­alog of API plug-ins,”

said JC Lin, CEO of Zagama, an app de­vel­op­ment com­pany in Asia that has part­nered with Appery.io.

“Appery.io’s in­tu­itive vi­sual en­vi­ron­ment as­sists cus­tomers in over­coming the bar­riers af­fil­i­ated with cross-platforms so de­vel­opers can work on a project re­motely and si­mul­ta­ne­ously.”

Exadel’s Kattan says Appery.io of­fers a com­plete mo­bile app de­vel­op­ment platform—not just tools but com­plete backend ser­vices in the form of an MBaaS.

Source: Exadel

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