EXATEL has signed new contract for lease of digital lines for PSE Operator SA

EXATEL SA has signed on June the 1st 2009 a new contract for lease of digital lines for PSE Operator SA. This contract is vital for creating a network that is needed for the management of the State Energy System. It is the largest deal signed by EXATEL this year. It’s value amounts to nearly 55 ml PLN .

The contract has been signed for 2 years.

PSE Operator as the company operating the transfer system is responsible for current and long term safety of the whole energy transfer system on the territory of Poland.

Leased lines are the key instrument in management of the State Energy System. They provide safe connection between the control centers and electro-energy stations enabling undisrupted traffic management. Stable work without any breakdowns is possible thanks to the complex network and access solutions – fiber optics particularly integrated with whole electro-energy system.

EXATEL has a longstanding tradition in offering lease of digital lines to those clients who have their own IT development capabilities and prefer to order frame telecom infrastructure and implement the software part of the network with their own resources. It offers the service to many local and international operators and institutions such as Polkomtel SA, BT Poland Sp. z o.o., T-Systems Polska Sp. z o.o., UPC Polska Sp. z o.o., Telefonia Dialog SA, Bank PKO BP SA, Bank Handlowy SA, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Center of Communication of Ministry of National Defense and to Ministry of Justice (MS).

Source: EXATEL

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