EXATEL will provide video transmission from a cardiac surgery conducted trough a robot

An instructive surgery performed on a swine heart trough a polish cardiosurgical robot Robin Heart, designed by Cardiosurgery Develpoment Foundation (FRK) will be shown on the 2nd Medical Engineering Meeting in minimally Invasive Surgery (MEMeet 2009) taking place on the 23-24th of October in Caceres, Spain. The live video transmission from the Heart Prosthesis Institute in Zabrze will be provided by EXATEL

It is the first project of it’s kind. The exchange of experience between scientific institutes in Europe will include facilities specializing in robotics and mechatronic surgical equipment, but also surgeon training centers. The event shall present newest models and prototypes of the robots. The surgery will last about an hour and shall be conducted in a virtual operating room. This setting is designed to plan the procedures and usage of the surgical robots in the remote modality cases.

In MEMeet 2009 conference will take part many distinguished guests from the world of science such as Richard Satava – the pioneer of the medical robotics in USA, consultant of the numerous projects for Pentagon and NASA or Zbigniew Nawrat – the director of the Heart Prosthesis Institute, the chef coordinator of the team working on Robin Heart robot. Mr. Nawrat shall be the moderator of the discussion on the event in Spain. The host on the polish side in Zabrze is Biocybernetics Laboratory IPS FRK, lead by Pawel Kostka, the coordinator of the surgery robot team. The presentation will be attended by surgeons which conducted operations on animals using Robin Heart robots as well as medics and students interested in the development of the medical robotics.

Presented Robin Heart is the most advanced medical robot prototype in Europe. It is designed to conduct low injury surgeries. Until now there has been only one robot of that kind in the world, the da Vinci designed in California by renown specialist professor Richard M. Satavy.  In future robots shall be used on all soft tissue surgeries except the brain and the eye. The patients shall benefit from it through much faster resilience and less postoperative complications.

Source: EXATEL

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