Experience ‘helps when IT outsourcing’

Experience helps to ensure the success of IT outsourcing efforts for firms looking to undergo this process, a study asserts.

Research from Quocirca shows those industries which have the longest history of using this method – retail and the public-sector – also have the highest rate of success.

It identifies key areas which should be tackled if the process is to be completed effectively, focusing on the contract.

Quocirca’s report suggests businesses which have dealt with external support such IT outsourcing before demand more stringent requirements from their partners.

“The most experienced outsources … are three times more likely to stipulate software security audit requirements in contracts than those outsourcing in a more ad hoc fashion,” the research reveals.

It also identifies the need for implementing extensive testing and auditing any delivered code.

According to a report last month by IDC, service-level agreements are becoming an increasingly important part of IT outsourcing.

Source: ihotdesk

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