During 2-6 August, 5 ATIC companies ( Deeplace, F-line Technologies, Netinfo, GPG Consulting, Alfa Soft) have participated at the EXPRO Seminar organized by CBI under the Export Coaching Program.
The delegation consisted as well of the Deputy Minister of ICT, Mrs. Dona Scola, Chief of Party of USAID financed project CEED( Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development), Mrs. Doina Nistor, Executive Director of ATIC, Mrs. Ana Chirita, MIEPO representative, Mrs. Natalia Haidarli.
During the EXPRO seminar, the companies have learned to prepare a company Export Marketing Plan in order to penetrate the EU market in accordance with the program details. CBI consultants Mr. Laszlo Klucs and Mr. Martin Bitter have have brought up valuable information about company promotion, have shared experience about the success and examples of other countries in the program.
By the end of the seminar, each company has presented an Export Marketing Plan, which will be able to implement starting September 2010.
The Export Coaching program is a program oriented towards ITO/BPO/KPO companies from developing countries seeking to penetrate the European markets. It has started in June, 2010, and will last for 2 years.