Firms cutting IT workers in recession, claims expert

Businesses are likely to continue to lay off IT professionals in an attempt to reduce costs, it has been claimed, which may see an increase in IT outsourcing.

Siobhan Chapman, deputy editor at, pointed out that the IT industry has seen an increase in job losses caused by the recession, as have most other sectors.

“Redundancies can and are happening across the IT industry, from IT managers right through to IT contractors and lower level back office workers, as businesses look to cull jobs and reign in costs,” she explained.

However, Ms Chapman noted that the government is continuing to invest heavily in the high-tech industries in the hope that the UK will emerge form the recession as a world leader in the field, which may interest IT outsourcing users.

Earlier this month, Gerry McLaughlin, founder of IT Contractor, pointed out that companies are letting go senior IT staff and turning to outsourcing to maintain operational efficiency at lower costs.

Source: ihotdesk

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