Firms focus on network software, report claims

Companies should reconsider how they use network management software (NMS) and operational support systems (OSS), it has been claimed.

In a study which may interest IT outsourcing users, pointed out that the systems are regarded as important for the success of enterprise networks.

However, the research claimed that in recent years the focus has shifted onto the software itself rather than the network it manages.

The organisation suggested that this change has created a gap between potentially powerful networks and the lack of capability delivered by off-the-shelf solutions.

In the report, the group added: “The products themselves have the power to help do a great job but the way of realising this goal is not obvious anymore.”

It also advised companies implementing OSS and NMS solutions to place an emphasis on issues such as service, performance and fault management.

Earlier this month, Robin Gariess wrote on Search VoIP that firms should ensure their networks are ready before they attempt to deploy unified communications, recommending a thorough planning process is used.

Source: ihotdesk

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