Intetics Co., a leading global sourcing company, today announced the success of the first annual Belarus PHP Development (phpDev), conference it hosted on January 21, 2012 at the Hotel Victoria in Minsk, Belarus. Organized by Intetics, with the support of several industry associations, phpDev is fast becoming a major platform for PHP developers, technical leads and architects to exchange ideas, best practices and share experiences while increasing accessibility to PHP-related information. PHP is quickly establishing itself as the preferred development platform of for many Open Source enterprise systems and products.
The daylong phpDev event attracted over one hundred participants, filling the Hotel Victoria conference room to capacity with speakers, lively discussions, questions and useful information. Requests to participate exceeded capacity by over two hundred percent. Intetics provided the conference with monetary support, strategic guidance, administrative assistance and technical expertise.
Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to the conference, the primary organizers from Intetics, Artiom Visotskiy and Alexey Klimko, are actively planning to make phpDev into an annual event. “We are ecstatic to enjoy such incredible interest in our conference and the topic of PHP development in general,” said Visotskiy, Senior Software Engineer, and founder of the new online LAMP-technology community at http://phpdev.by/. “In the future, we would like to increase the number of attendees in order to exponentially benefit from an expanded pool of expertise and new ideas about PHP development.”
Most of the speakers at the conference were from Intetics. They covered topics such as project management in PHP initiatives, the new features of PHP 5.4, SPL introduction, using Git to keep a project on track, introduction to PHP-architect, and various uses of the Zend Framework and Sphinx. All of the speakers engaged the audience in thought provoking ways, not only through the information conveyed, but via humor and openness. Intetics looks forward to supporting future PHP Development conferences in Belarus and the Ukraine, as well as the growing PHP community.
“Intetics actively supports the PHP community and the development of PHP because it has grown so dramatically to become a platform of choice for many of the Open Source enterprise systems being deployed today,” said Boris Kontsevoi, President of Intetics. “The phpDev conference is to be applauded for creating a collegial but professional atmosphere that also successfully maintains a high level of technical discussion.”