First in Belarus: Sun Java System Identity Manager

From February 2 to February 6, the authorized course “Sun Java System Identity Manager: Deployment Fundamentals (IDM-345)” was held by the IBA Training Center in Minsk, Belarus.

The course IDM–345 is extremely popular in the United States and in Europe. At IBA, the course was conducted in English by Henning Halfpap, a German instructor.

The course is intended for project managers, implementation specialists, designers, service consultants and other specialists that implement solutions designed to manage identification and access rights based on Sun Java System Identity Manager.

The program of the course includes basic principles of project implementation. The main emphasis is placed on the benefits the customer receives using the product. The course covers standard functionality of the solution. To implement the solution, one shouldn’t possess either deep knowledge or experience. The participants adjust the roles, resources, user objects, and reconciliation processes to the customer requirements. As a case study, the course examines a delegated management model that allows distributing objectives of the system administration.

Vladimir Dyubkov, IBA Training Center Director, says: “It is the first time the IBA Training Center conducts a course in foreign language. The Sun Microsystems course was held by German instructor for Belarusian and Russian students. Judging by the references, the course was a success. I hope that such projects will receive further development. It is important that the IBA Training Center is known abroad for the high level of IT training it provides.”

According to the results of the follow–up survey, the students are satisfied with the knowledge they received, and with the professionalism of the instructor. They would also recommend the course IDM–345 to their colleagues.

Source: IBA

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