Free Alsbridge Webinar Nov. 20 Will Outline How to Outsource Successfully

Start: November 20, 2008
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Many financial executives have considered outsourcing their finance and accounting (F&A) processes. But the concept can be daunting, even frightening.

“Knowledge is key to alleviating those fears,” says Ben Trowbridge, president and CEO of Alsbridge, Inc. “Early planning and a solid strategy will go a long way toward successful outsourcing.”

Alsbridge will host a free webinar, “F&A Outsourcing: Is It Right for You?” scheduled for 2-3 p.m. Eastern Time (1-2 p.m. Central Time) Thursday, November 20.

The program, part of Alsbridge’s Outsourcing Leadership series, will feature Steve Kopp, managing director of Alsbridge who will outline basic steps in making F&A outsourcing successful. The webinar agenda includes:

  • Offshoring versus outsourcing 
  • Determining what to outsource 
  • Avoiding pocket vetoes and maintaining alignment 
  • Elements of a strong business case 
  • Identifying and mitigating risk

Source: MarketWatch

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