What’s the next big shore in offshore sourcing strategies? China. Its unparalleled wealth of highly skilled labor and solid infrastructure place it atop most short lists for offshoring engagements. However, navigating the China Outsourcing “landscape” is daunting. There are about a dozen designated primary outsourcing cities, an even larger number of software/technology parks, and literally thousands of Chinese Information Technology Outsourcing and BPO companies. And while there is a multitude of options available, outsourcing to China is relatively unexplored territory for most enterprises. Midmarket to Fortune 1000 enterprises are increasingly making global sourcing decisions, yet continue to ask the question, “How do I make it work?”
The Gartner China Outsourcing Summit, now in its 3rd year, is the premier Information Technology Outsourcing and BPO Summit in China. Through the collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and the China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP), this is the definitive event held within China that allows you to invest less than one week of your time and walk away with a year’s worth of insight to help you develop your China strategy.