Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management Summit. 4 – 6 May 2009. Las Vegas, NV

Start: May 4, 2009
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In today’s dramatically altered business environment, containing and/or reducing costs are urgent priorities. Organizations are under increased pressure to outsource more and do it more quickly. But solely pursuing a cost-focused approach can invite danger. Are you unknowingly sacrificing performance and sustainable business outcomes? What will happen when the economy stabilizes and the focus shifts to enhancement and innovation? Will the deal you sign today have the strategic business value you need down the road? Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management explores the practical steps you must take today to secure the success of your outsourcing initiatives tomorrow. The theme for this year’s conference: Practical Outsourcing: Balancing Cost Optimization with Performance Improvement.

At the core of the Summit are proven strategies that can improve your sourcing decisions and actions – immediately. Our team of analysts will help you adapt to the economy’s new circumstances with fresh thinking and trusted insights. Your biggest takeaway: the know-how to structure outsourcing deals that get you through today’s challenges as well as those in the future.

A 6-track agenda covers the length and breadth of today’s outsourcing arena – ITO, BPO, Global Sourcing, and Vendor Management. With more than 100 sessions to choose from, you’ll find actionable solutions to meet steep challenges, independent analysis, critical frameworks, industry case studies, next-generation best practices … and content addressing your specific experience level – whether you’re an outsourcing newcomer or veteran.

Get the knowledge to quickly move your ITO, BPO and Global sourcing initiatives in the right direction…

  • Discover what you can do right now to get more from deals you already have on the table – without compromising long-term value.
  • Prepare to reevaluate the structure of your contracts and reassess your vendor relationships.
  • Determine which providers really are strategic. And know when to make the move to new vendors with new delivery models.
  • See why “chasing rates” when offshoring may be counterproductive, especially when you’re looking for the next level of cost benefits.
  • Tap into the latest research on which countries are the most viable offshore destinations.

Source: Gartner

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