Global IT services sees 2008 growth

The global IT services market grew during 2008, as more firms made use of solutions such as outsourcing, it has been claimed.

Research from analyst Gartner revealed that worldwide IT services revenue reached a total of $806 billion (?493 billion) last year, showing an increase on the $745 billion recorded in 2007.

Kathryn Hale, research vice president for Gartner’s worldwide IT services group, pointed out that 2008 saw IT services companies experience eight months of normal business, with the remaining four being impacted by the global economic slowdown.

She continued: “The only two segments of the market that grew less than forecast were IT management and process management.”

Ms Hale added that this result is surprising, as it was expected that more businesses would have increased their IT outsourcing in order to take advantage of the cost savings it can provide.

Recently, industry analyst IDC said the current economic climate is encouraging more companies to consider using outsourcing to drive down their IT spend.

Source: ihotdesk

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