The moment we’ve all been waiting for has come at last – the Navigator Group of Companies and CJSC “Unified National Dispatching System of Russia” (CJSC “UNDS”) have officially announced the successful integration of their trackers with GPS and GLONASS tracking software Wialon. According to the specialist of Gurtam Technical Support Department Alexander Kiranov, the end-to-end solution that allows to use the hardware and peripheral devices made by CJSC “UNDS” is ready to work.
As Alexei Khokhlov, the Strategic Development Manager of the Navigator Group of Companies, said for today all new GPS and GLONASS trackers made by CJSC “UNDS” passed the tests and they are listed on the Gurtam site. Now new GPS tracking devices could be appreciated not only by Wialon developers, but also by thousands of Wialon users worldwide.
You can get detailed information about connecting the GPS and GLONASS trackers made by CJSC “UNDS” with the Wialon GPS tracking software on Gurtam forum or emailing company’s technical support professionals.
The Navigator Group of Companies is a powerful research holding that works as a GPS tracking software provider as well as LBS provider and solution integrator of GPS and GLONASS technologies over the Russian Federation and some CIS countries. And CJSC “UNDS” is the GPS tracking market leading integrator and mobile and stationary units security provider.
Gurtam is glad to cooperate with the GPS tracking market leading companies such as the Navigator Group and CJSC “UNDS”. According to the “UNDS” representatives, this cooperation brings lots of advantages for both companies because it opens for our partners broad market prospects giving them access to the Wialon LBS providers and solution integrators database.