HERMES SoftLab amongst the most desirable employers in Bosnia-Herzegovina

HERMES SoftLab, a member of the ComTrade Group, is ranked amongst the most desirable employers in the IT sector for the third year running

During the first three months of 2009, the web portal conducted its third consecutive annual survey on the most desirable employers in Bosnia-Herzegovina, an exercise that involved more than 4,700 respondents. The survey was based exclusively on the respondents’ perception about companies and on their free choice, as names of companies were not offered during the survey.

The respondents chose HERMES SoftLab as one of the most desirable employers in the information and telecommunications technologies sector and the company’s ranking jumped from last year’s 25th place to this year’s 20th.

Haris Ceco, the HERMES SoftLab Sarajevo General Manager, welcomed the results of the survey with the following statement: “Our company’s high standing is an acknowledgment of the legitimacy of our business policies in Bosnia-Herzegovina over the last 13 years. We have created a highly motivational working environment that emphasises continual professional training, and have followed the careers of many of our engineers since their student years. Investing in human resources remains a principal goal of our business policies in Bosnia-Herzegovina.“

CATEGORY: FYR, Outsourcing News

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