HERMES SoftLab releases Management Pack for Citrix XenServer for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007

HERMES SoftLab, a member of ComTrade Group, today announced the release of a Management Pack for Citrix XenServer for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 – which follows the successful release of a similar solution for Oracle Siebel CRM/BI.

Working together with Microsoft, Oracle (Siebel) and Citrix, HERMES Softlab is delivering end-to-end enterprise class service-management solutions and best practices for business critical applications from Citrix and Oracle. HERMES Softlab’s Management Packs for Oracle Siebel CRM, and now Citrix XenServer, both extend the capabilities of Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager by enriching the end-to-end application management perspective that leverages the strengths of OpsMgr to incorporate application specific monitoring in an ITSM context.

The new Citrix XenServer Management Pack from HERMES Softlab incorporates agentless monitoring of XenServer environments and provides essential insight into the link between physical and virtual compute and storage resources. It autodiscovers and maintains XenServer pool topology, alerts on incidents and host/VM resource bottlenecks and tracks resource utilization and allocation. It allows organizations to leverage their investment in Systems Center Operations Manager to take over routine XenServer infrastructure monitoring tasks.

“HERMES Softlab has extensive experience in the enterprise systems management space and the Siebel Management Pack was developed in response to requests from our customers looking to further leverage their investment in the Microsoft Systems Center platform. The development of our new Citrix XenServer Management Pack was customer driven as well. Our customers are looking to maximize ROI on business critical applications like Siebel and Citrix. These new Management Packs allow our customers to consolidate operations around Microsoft Systems Center further mitigating business risk and ultimately reducing TCO.” explained HERMES SoftLab CEO, Gregor Smrekar.

“Customers derive value from Microsoft System Center with its broad management capabilities which address physical and virtualized environments”, said Ryan O’Hara, Director, System Center Product Management, Microsoft. “With the HERMES Softlab Oracle Siebel CRM Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007, these benefits are further extended to deeply address the management of specific applications.”


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