HERMES SoftLab’s expanded Management Packs

HERMES SoftLab’s expanded Management Packs for Microsoft System Center contribute to cost reductions and green initiatives. NEW Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager, and Oracle Siebel CRM/BI MP PRO extension for System Center Virtual Machine Manager

HERMES SoftLab, a ComTrade company, today announced two new extensions to its Management Packs for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. The Management Pack for Citrix Xen now includes comprehensive support for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop. The Oracle Siebel CRM/BI Management Pack has been upgraded with a Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) extension for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). Following the successful launch of both Management Packs at the 2009 Microsoft Management Summit, these significant upgrades will be unveiled during the Microsoft TechEd 2009 event in Berlin this week.

PRO-enabled Management Packs work in conjunction with SCVMM to provide PRO tips that let administrators manage their virtual infrastructure more effectively. HERMES SoftLab, working in partnership with Microsoft, developed the PRO extension for its Oracle Siebel CRM/BI Management Pack as part of a Green Technology initiative, which promotes the development of energy conserving virtualization technologies. With PRO-enabled Management Packs adding additional virtual Siebel application servers or optimizing disk resources for Siebel file system virtual servers has never been easier.

HERMES SoftLab’s Management Pack for Citrix Xen extends the capabilities of Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager by providing comprehensive Citrix health, performance, and topology information that is fully integrated into the Operations Manager environment. Working closely with both Microsoft and Citrix, HERMES SoftLab is delivering enterprise class, service-management solutions and best practices for Citrix XenApp, XenServer, and XenDesktop.

The Citrix Xen Management Pack is designed to deliver immediate and long-term value across IT organizations: from operations staff and Citrix specialists to IT managers and CIO’s. Organizations that standardized their operations management around Microsoft System Center Operations Manager are now able to equip their staff with out-of-box monitoring knowledge, tasks, and reports to handle the day-to-day supervision of their Citrix Xen estate.

“Our extensive experience in key Citrix product segments has put us in a unique position to offer an extensive, power-user grade management solution for the Citrix Delivery Center,” said Janko Cajhen, HERMES SoftLab CEO. “The new PRO-enabled Oracle Siebel CRM/BI Management Pack allows SCVMM to perform workload and application aware resource optimization, which allows for the reliable automation of some very critical systems management tasks.”

“Microsoft’s System Center suite of products enables organizations to reduce the cost of delivering the datacenter services and applications that drive business success,” said Paul Ross, Senior Product Marketing Manager for System Center Datacenter Management, Microsoft Corp. “HERMES SoftLab’s Management Packs build on the System Center platform to address core enterprise technologies that are a clear value-add for organizations – especially the ones using System Center solutions with existing investments in Citrix or Siebel.”

Citrix Xen Management Pack benefits:

  • Infrastructure monitoring: Availability, performance, and capacity of XenApp, XenServer, and XenDesktop infrastructure is continuously monitored and tracked.
  • End-user probing: Synthetic application and desktop launch probing ensures availability issues are quickly identified.
  • End-user latency monitoring: From logon to log-off, latency issues can be confirmed and isolated to specific components.
  • Web access resilience: The Citrix Web Interface configuration is auto-discovered and continuously probed to ensure web-based access availability.
  • Integrated management: The Citrix Xen Management Pack automatically integrates performance and availability information from the Citrix infrastructure with that of the back-end application layers, and acts as an operations bridge for different subject matter experts.
  • Unified management: Further leverage your investment in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, operations personnel, processes, and procedures to extend ITIL and Enterprise Systems Management to the Citrix Xen environment.
  • Native: The Citrix Xen Management Pack natively integrates with the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. No connectors / secondary consoles are required.
  • Complete: No more blind-spots in your Citrix infrastructure – the Citrix Xen Management Pack provides complete coverage of your Citrix Xen infrastructure. XenApp servers, XenServer hosts and VMs, Web Interface servers, License servers, Provisioning servers, and Desktop Delivery Controllers – are all kept under control by the Citrix Xen Management Pack.


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