HighLoad++ is the biggest Russian professional event for web developers of high performance systems. It becomes recognizable on a worldwide scale! We are happy to announce that this year, HighLoad++ Conference will happen for the 9th time and will be a host to more than 2500 participants. The event will take place in Moscow on November, 2 and 3.
Annually at HIghLoad++ we gather more than a thousand professional developers and experts of various areas of field from all around the world. In 2014 we hosted 1600 participants. This year we are expecting more than 2500 people at our event.
The program for this event is formed by the developers from biggest companies of Russian community and the world.
Our program committee forms a set of specific standards for speakers, as well as chooses only the best topics among many of the submitted ones.
Potential topics:
If you are interested in finding specialists from Russia and neighboring countries, you will be pleased to know that headhunting is also allowed at HighLoad++. Find more developers of high-loaded systems for your team at our conference!
Welcome to the next HighLoad++ and have an exciting professional experience!