In September IT specialists of EngagePoint took part in “Kyiv Half Marathon 2012”. The event took place in Kyiv for the second time and this time it gathered more than 2,000 people. The main objective of the event is to create a sport capital image of Kyiv and popularize healthy lifestyle. Programmers of EngagePoint were also inspired by the idea and decided to try and run 5km distance. Their everyday work also includes some sort of race – sprints. But while in sport sprint means short-distance races, Scrum sprint can last up to a month.
During this period Scrum team needs to carry out a set of planned tasks. The task of EngagePoint running team on “Kyiv Half Marathon” was to come to finish all together and as soon as possible. As a result they managed to do it in a little bit more than half of an hour. Despite the difficulty of the race (running on pavement and upward) they succeeded in it thanks to great support of each other and had real fun.
About EngagePoint
EngagePoint is an American healthcare software and IT Services company with the development centre in Kyiv. EngagePoint delivers sustainable solutions that incorporate service-oriented-architecture (SOA) and reusable infrastructure. Founded in 2006, EngagePoint is headquartered in Florida, with offices in Maryland, Minnesota and North Dakota. EngagePoint is a member of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and Hi-Tech Initiative IT Association.