Asseco SEE Group is delighted to announce that one of the most important Financial Sector Industry conferences in the South Eastern Europe – “New Banking Vision 5” has been successfully finalized in Umag, Croatia on 28th of May. This conference started with macro economical overview roundtable between participants and two Vice Governors, one Council Chairman of SEE Central Banks as well as financial experts.
Main topics of NBV 5 Conference were viable strategy for banks transformation and macroeconomic challenges that are now relevant in SEE region, such as recent global financial crisis impact, recession and anti recession measures from governments, Central Banks strategy and coping with capital flows while opening and integrating economies.
Asseco SEE hosted leading SEE Banking Groups as well as Polish Banks with 322 participants coming from 21 countries.
During the conference, live demo on banking “Branch of the future” integrated with “Experience”, next generation of core processing banking products in the area of distribution channels, payment systems and business intelligence for global market were provided. Experience is a result of a long-term strategic unification of existing production lines within the banking software divisions of Asseco SEE and brings increased capacity for product innovation and efficient support to our clients.
The official sponsors of the “New Banking Vision 5″ were: Microsoft, IBM, Deloitte, Oracle, Cisco, EMC?, NetApp, VMware, Vasco and Kofax.
ICT leaders will give exclusive overview on biggest global repositioning in IT industry in last 10 years such as strategic shifts and acquisitions, challenges by new players, their strategies, portfolios and responses to changes.