A global survey being conducted by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®) will update the growing importance of corporate, social responsibility (CSR) in outsourcing.
IAOP is surveying outsourcing providers, customers and advisors on their actions and views on CSR, as well as sustainability and environmental responsibility. The survey will be conducted through this summer and early fall, and results will be released at the 2012 Outsourcing World Summit at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
The survey is open to the association’s 110,000 plus membership and affiliates as well as all outsourcing professionals interested in participation. It is available at IAOP’s website.
Survey questions cover topics including perceptions about the impact of outsourcing on the environment; climate and society; reporting on CSR practices; business strategy; budgets for CSR activities; standards and codes of conduct; and the importance of CSR issues and policies.
IAOP’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) subcommittee of the Advocacy and Outreach Committee is sponsoring the survey. Members of this subcommittee include industry leaders in CSR, as well as academic researchers with the Ted Rogers School of IT Management at Ryerson University and the IT Services Qualification Center (ITSqc) at Carnegie Mellon University and representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation
A study by Professor Bill Hefley of the ITSqc showed that companies who ranked as the world’s leading outsourcing providers in IAOP’s 2009 Global Outsourcing 100® had significantly greater CSR activities than other outsourcing firms.
Adhering to the highest ethical standards, contributing to local communities and bettering the environment are just a few ways outsourcing can be used as a powerful tool in advancing critical social, economic and environmental issues on a global basis,” said IAOP CEO Debi Hamill. “The CSR survey provides us with important information about where the industry is headed in this important area.”
IAOP Advancing CSR
IAOP identified CSR as the top outsourcing trend in 2008 and is advancing it in practice by demonstrating how companies and professionals can embrace outsourcing in a socially responsible way, creating a positive outcome for all involved.
The CSR subcommittee was formed to identify and promote discussion of socially responsible policies and practices.
A track at The 2012 Outsourcing World Summit will focus on corporate social responsibility including socially responsible outsourcing and will cover topics like:
In addition, IAOP honors individuals positively contributing to both business and society through its Outsourcing Hall of Fame.