IBA At Bank IT’09

From November 18 to November 19, IBA participated in the 6th international forum on banking information technologies Bank IT ’09 as the event’s general partner. The forum took place in Minsk, Belarus.

Organized by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the scientific and technological association Infopark, and the Association of Belarusian Banks, the forum was aimed at sharing experience in banking IT to improve efficiency of the finance and credit system of the Republic of Belarus.

Pavel Kallaur, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Belarus and Chairman of the Bank IT Organizing Committee, greeted the participants of the event. Speaking about the importance of banking IT, Oleg Veremeichik, Head of the Central Department of Information Technologies of the National Bank of Belarus said that the banking sector accounts for 60 percent of IT spending in Belarus today.

At the Bank IT plenary sessions and sections, IBA and its partners spoke on the following topics:

  • IT as a basis for overcoming the financial crisis. Sergei Levteev, IBA CEO.
  • IBM Cognos: financial analysis, planning and control of banking activity. Joint  IBA and IBM EE/A presentation.
  • IBM FileNet: an effective tool to manage banking business processes. Alexander Matsko, IBA Director of Information Systems Division.
  • Mobile banking, mobile commerce. Trends and perspectives. Sergey Shibayev, IBA Head of Mobile Systems and Technologies Department.

IBA has participated in the forum since 2004, as banking IT is one of IBA focus areas of business. IBA has been involved in the development of IT solutions and hardware for the banking sector since the very moment of its foundation.

Today, IBA is the largest Belarusian producer of self-service banking equipment and software that comply with the international standards and are adjusted to the specifics of the Belarusian market. To ensure effective functioning of banking equipment, IBA created a network of regional warranty and post-warranty service centers. To date, IBA has installed and is maintaining more than 600 ATMs; 1,000 Information and Transaction Terminals (ITTs); and 1,500 POS terminals in Belarus. The IBA software operates at 90 percent of self-service banking terminals in Belarus. IBA has already completed more than thirty large-scale projects in nineteen Belarusian banks.

Commenting on the Bank IT’09 results, Levteev said: “Participating in such events, we gain an invaluable experience. We not only present our solutions and products, but have a possibility to share knowledge and discuss daily problems with our colleagues, talk to our customers and better understand their needs, and thus offer new and even more effective IT solutions.

As a result, we are able to improve our areas of business and offer new products to our clients. In particular, as a result of IBA participation in one of Bank IT events, we developed IBA Mobile Banking, that enables cardholders to make payments and retrieve banking information via mobile phone. The system is in great demand today. Moreover, participation in Bank IT prompted us to develop a new line of business namely IBM Cognos-based systems of business analysis. I hope that IBA new products and solutions will help the banks increase customer satisfaction and to widen the range of banking services essentially”.

IBA was awarded a diploma for important contribution to informatization of the finance and credit system of the Republic of Belarus, and for active participation in the Bank IT project.

Source: IBA

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