IBA at Bank IT’08

IBA participated in the 5th International Forum Bank IT’08 as a partner. The event was held from December 26 to December 27 in Minsk, Belarus. The event was organized by the Scientific and Technological Association Infopark, the National Bank of Belarus and the Association of Belarusian Banks.

The main goal of the event was to share experience in banking IT to improve efficiency of the finance and credit system of the Republic of Belarus. More than 600 experts from a number of Belarusian and foreign companies, the Belarusian Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Belarusian Ministry of Finance, the Belarusian High-Tech Park, the Belarusian Public Association “Information Society”, Russian and Belarusian banks, and other organizations attended the event.

Pavel Kallaur, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Belarus, opened the plenary session with a welcoming speech. The program of the event included panel and plenary sessions, and an exhibition of software and application systems.

At the forum, IBA delivered three presentations. Valery Kaziuminsky, Head of the IBA Information Systems Testing Laboratory, spoke on information security in the banking sector. Igor Petrik, Head of the IBA Electronic Document Management Department, told about the IBA experience in implementing electronic document workflow systems. Alexander Kovalev, Head of the IBA Department of Middleware Solutions, made a report on creation of bank IT infrastructure using portal technologies.

Banking IT is one of IBA focus areas of business. IBA is involved in the development of IT solutions and hardware for the banking sector since the very moment of its foundation. At the forum, IBA was awarded a diploma for important contribution to informatization of the finance and credit system of the Republic of Belarus, and for active participation in the Bank IT project.

Source: IBA

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