From June 8 to June 10, IBA as the event’s general partner participated in the international conference on web development and internet technologies WebConf09, that took place in Minsk, Belarus.
The conference was aimed at discussing the most topical issues of the modern IT and creation of a resource to publish and discuss ideas and suggestions in the IT sector. The participants in the event brought up the problems and trends in web development and web technologies, IT education and distant learning.
WebConf09 is the first conference in Belarus designed to study and to shape the Internet of the future. The event gathered IT students and graduates, namely young programmers, web designers, sociologists, and mathematicians from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The event included plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, and workshops. The list of participants included IBA, Sun Microsystems (Russia), the Belarusian State University (BSU), the higher college of communication of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), the Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics (Ukraine), and Internet communities.
At the event, IBA delivered the following presentations: