IBA CZ, the development center of IBA Group in the Czech Republic, became a winner of the IT Product of the Year contest organized by Computerworld. For the IT Product 2022, IBA CZ submitted AFPA, a framework for process automation based on microservices. The product that automates and optimizes workflow at enterprises of different sizes was selected as a winner in the category Enterprise Software.
“The world of modern technology is rushing forward much faster than other fields. And that’s why we are very happy that our AFPA product can hold the title IT Product of the Year. Thanks to our well-coordinated team, we managed to achieve the title.” — Aleš Hojka, Managing Director at IBA CZ and IBA Slovakia
The AFPA product includes a set of predefined microservices and tools for microservice management, as well as configuration and orchestration infrastructure, and strictly defined interfaces, allowing users to create and program agendas of operation, registration, integration, BI, and automation applications in a very short time.
The product is connected to the Microsoft Active Directory and the MS SQL server is used as a database. The solution supports the use of corporate branding and is fully integrated into the MS Active Directory, allowing for a single sign-on.
For more information about the product’s features, visit the IBA CZ website.
IT Product of the Year is a competition conducted by the editors of Computerworld in the Czech Republic with the aim of highlighting the products with features that significantly differentiate them from the competition in each specific category. This year, Computerworld made a decision to give Winner titles to all finalists, as all finalist products were of a very high level and it was very difficult to choose just one winner.
IBA Group founded IBA CZ in Prague in 1999 and extended it to Brno in 2005. The same year, IBA Group relocated its headquarters to Prague. Eventually, IBA Group expanded the IBA CZ offices in Brno and in Prague, and opened an office in Ostrava to meet customer demands for onshore and near–shore software development services.