IBA ITTs Deployed in Minsk Subway

In December 2009, IBA supplied to BPS-Bank a series of new models of the wall-mounted IBA Information and Transaction Terminal (IBA ITT) РТ230 that comes with IBA software. In January 2010, the IBA ITTs began functioning at the Minsk Subway stations.

As a result, subway visitors can pay for public services, and mobile and fixed line phone services, pay off loans, deposit money to card bank accounts, and transfer money from one account to another using their bank cards.

The principal difference between these ITTs and those currently utilized in Belarus is the availability of a non-contact card reader. In the future, this feature will enable card holders to deposit money to city transport passes of new generation, buying the needed number of trips. These passes will be non-contact cards valid for all types of public transport.

According to Grigoriy Yakimkov, Head of the Traffic Department of the Minsk Subway, the installation of the ITTs in the subway and the introduction of a unified electronic pass for all types of public transport are a part of the Minsk City Program aimed at the development of an automated system to control public transport fare collection. The Minsk transport administration is expected to launch the new service in March of this year.

Source: IBA

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