IBA Launches Automated System of Opinion Poll at Beltelecom
In November 2010, IBA completed development and successfully put into commercial operation a hardware and software system intended for opinion poll surveys. Launched at Beltelecom, the IBA-created Automated Opinion Poll System (AOPS) meets the requirements of САТI (Computer Assistant Telephone Interview).
The system features:
- Optimized opinion poll process through implementation and efficient use of modern IT.
- Analysis of the poll results using powerful and up-to-date tools of statistic analysis
- User friendly interface for interaction of the people involved in the survey creation and conducting, and for analysis of the results
- Automatic statistic data storage.
AOPS consists of the following functional subsystems:
- Survey preparation. Based on the IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server, IBM SPSS Data Collection Author, and IBM SPSS Data Collection Author Professional software, the system is intended for creation of a unified questionnaire to conduct different types of surveys, both via telephone and Internet.
- Survey implementation. The system is developed based on IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server integrated with IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Phone, and a license for 125 thousand web interviews per year. Allows for polling via Internet and public telephone networks (PTN) with or without an operator. The system is able to ring the respondents automatically based on specified selection criteria.
- Survey analysis. The IBM SPSS Statistics software suite with additional packages for in-depth data analysis and graph construction, as well as creation of comprehensive and indicative reports. Also provides a wide range of statistic procedures.
IBM SPSS tools of forecasting analysis are widely used all over the world to estimate a target consumer audience and methods of its coverage, and the best time and conditions for establishing business contacts; to increase client loyalty; to reveal and prevent embezzlement and misappropriation of funds in different sectors including financial services, telecommunications, retail trade, and government.
The AOPS enables Beltelecom to carry out integration with the telephone system and the telephone number database, automate the processes of survey creation and implementation via telephone and internet, keep survey process records, and perform all types of statistic and forecasting analysis; establish hidden dependencies, implement the principle of prediction and action, and create comprehensive and indicative reports.
The AOPS suite is a turnkey solution for carrying out different types of opinion polls and may be used at:
- All levels of government administration, including processing of election results, and public opinion polls
- Organizations engaged in customer services including banks, as well as telecommunication, railway, and trade companies to analyze the level of customer satisfaction
- Enterprises and companies to analyze the job satisfaction level of the company’s employees.