IBA Participates in Government Quality Award Ceremony

IBA participated in the event that the Belarusian Government organized to commemorate winners of the Government Quality Award 2009. The award ceremony and exhibition were held on January 20, 2010 in Minsk, Belarus. IBA was invited as a winner of this award in 1999, 2002 and 2005. Sergei Sidorsky, Prime Minister of Belarus, gave quality awards 2009 to ten Belarusian enterprises.

The exhibition was organized with current and past award winners as the exhibitors. Visitors of the IBA stand were able to familiarize themselves with the company’s innovative products, including:

  • New models of IBA Information and Transaction Terminals with embedded contactless card readers
  • IBA’s workflow automation product Chancellor
  • Integrated management solution for a power engineering organization
  • Information Analysis System to Manage Railway Cargo Transportation

This year, IBA intends to apply for the Government Quality Award to confirm its status as a leader in quality management.

Source: IBA

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