IBA and Peleng Expand Windchill PDM/PLM System

Following the decision by JSC Peleng, an R&D provider in optoelectronics, to expand its PDM/PLM system, IBA launched additional projects for this enterprise. The projects are designed to improve product quality, as well as reduce production time and product cost.

Special focus will be placed on 3D product models, computer–based virtual tests, control of information access, and electronic product approval.

IBA assisted Peleng in purchasing additional software including Windchill, Pro/ENGINEER, Mathcad, and Pro/MECHANICA by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) . To date, Peleng acquired around eighty PTC software licenses.

Peleng is the first company in Belarus to implement the innovative preproduction engineering module Windchill MPMLink. Its use will further increase profitability and improve quality of the company’s products.

Currently, Peleng in cooperation with IBA is working to prepare for:

  • Integration of the Mentor Graphics software, an ECAD system, with
  • Pro/ENGINEER and Windchill
  • Implementation of Windchill MPMLink, a preproduction engineering module
  • Windchill–managed conversion of paper documents to electronic format
  • Introduction of change management practices to meet the CMII requirements.

The primary system integrator of CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM/PLM at Peleng since 2004, IBA has carried out Windchill, Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/MECHANICA, and Mathcad delivery, adjustment, adaptation, integration, implementation, and maintenance.

In 2007, IBA and Peleng successfully completed a pilot project on the implementation a Windchill–based automated system to manage product engineering data and product lifecycle. Since then, the PDM/PLM system has been expanded.

As of June 2009, IBA and Peleng implemented the following:

  • Methodology for the use of Windchill and Pro/ENGINEER in product development
  • User guides
  • Windchill software upgrade from 8.0 to 9.0
  • Unattended software installation at an automated workplace
  • Product development management using Windchill
  • Product e–model as an hierarchical structure that consolidates all heterogeneous data required for production and maintenance of the product and that is altered in different lifecycle stages
  • Continuous verification of the developed product and related paperwork for compliance with the company’s standards using the ModelCHECK module of Pro/ENGINEER and saving the results in Windchill PDM/PLM
  • P–CAD (ECAD system) integration with Windchill and Pro/ENGINEER to retrieve unit structure and 3D model structure
  • Installation and tuning of a classifier
  • Loading of reference data on business processes implemented in Windchill
  • Business processes to approve engineering and support documents (orders, requirements specifications, test reports, and other)
  • The following business processes based on Windchill PDM/PLM:
  • Introduction of bought–in components
  • Introduction of new materials
  • Introduction of standard components and units
  • Introduction of a new prototype
  • Introduction of a new pattern
  • Approval of engineering documentation
  • Introduction of changes on notice
  • Approval of documents
  • Approval of product’ software.

Peleng uses the automated management system for its product development and maintenance. The system contains all necessary libraries including bought–in components, materials, and prototypes. Currently, 19 products are being developed and 28 projects implemented. Twenty–six projects are 100 percent ready.

In addition, IBA provides training to Peleng specialists on PTC products including Pro/ENGINEER, Windchill PDMLink, Windchill ProjectLink, Pro/MECHANICA, and Mathcad.

Source: IBA

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