IBA Presents IBM-Based Products and Solutions

On November 25, IBA jointly with IBM, VDEL and the Central Economic Department of the Presidential Administration of Belarus conducted the workshop “IBM-based Products and Solutions by IBA: Tools to Enhance Efficiency of Management Processes”. More than one hundred representatives of fifty eight enterprises attended the event that took place in Minsk, Belarus.

Sergei Levteev, IBA CEO; Milan Prohaska, VDEL CEO; and Manfred Stadler, IBM EE/A Lotus Sales Manager, greeted the participants of the event.

Vladimir Yankovskiy, Deputy Head of the IT Center of the Presidential Administration, spoke on the implementation and trends of the interdepartmental system of electronic document management for Belarusian government bodies which is included in the project list of E-Belarus Government Program.

Today, the Chancellor -based EDM system created by IBA for Belarusian Government serves as an integrated information environment for seventy six distributed Belarusian public institutions including the Administration of the President, the Council of Ministers, all ministries, the Minsk Executive Committee, all local executive committees, and the National Bank. More than 230 companies and organizations are planning to be connected to the system.

Igor Petrik, Head of the IBA Electronic Document Management Department, spoke on Mini Chancellor, an economy-type Chancellor EDM system for the SMB sector, and the 5th version of Chancellor.

Stadler of IBM announced that IBA products based on IBM software will be provided at an up to 50-percent discount. He also said that the users of these products will receive regular technical maintenance and support. According to Sergei Akoulich, IBA Business Development Director, the price reduction makes new technologies accessible to Belarusian customers.

Elena Mikhailova, representative of the IT Department of the Belarusian Railway spoke on practical experience in creating unified information space throughout distributed locations using IBM Lotus and Chancellor.

In addition, VDEL delivered a presentation on the open source software. Diana Yemelyanova, IBM EE/A representative, spoke of collaborative work using IBM Lotus.

At its booth, IBA presented its proprietary software products, namely Mini Chancellor, and the 5th version of Chancellor.

At roundtable discussions, the participants in the workshop summed up the results of the event.

Source: IBA

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