On May 14, IBA Group took part in the international conference Project Management in the Steel Industry that was held in Moscow, Russia, as the event’s bronze sponsor.
The conference gathered IT executives and heads of engineering departments of the enterprises engaged in the metal production, supply, and sales sector.
At the event, Valery Loubnevsky, IBA, delivered the report “Creation of project portfolio: increasing operational efficiency of an enterprise”. In his presentation, Loubnevsky analyzed inconsistency between a company’s need to increase production efficiency and its approved plans and project portfolios. In addition, he spoke about the IBA-developed tools designed to monitor efficiency and reveal production bottlenecks at an industrial enterprise.
At the IBA booth, the conferees had a possibility to learn more about IBA products and solutions for enterprise business process automation and receive professional consultations from the IBA experts.
Mikhail Stepanov, IBA Rus General Director, comments: “Participation in such conferences allows for building an effective dialogue between a company executive and an IT vendor. It will result in reduced losses and increased efficiency for metallurgical companies.”