As of August 13th 2011, ICB-Interconsult Bulgaria is the official software partner of the ChemXchange Project amongst many candidates from Estonia, Greece, the UK and Ukraine. The project was initiated by the Norwegian Contractors Association (EBA) and funded by EU’s FP7 – Research for SMEs. The objective of ChemXchange is to offer the European construction sector a tailor-made, low-priced, fully digitalised chemical information system, which include chemical risk assessment, chemical communication up-and down the supply chain as well as chemical management.
The ChemXchange project addresses the challenges in the European Construction and Building sector regarding the lack of legal compliance with existing and new chemical legislation. The European construction sector, being the largest industrial sector overwhelmingly made up of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), is a major downstream user of chemicals and chemical-containing articles. Its workers are exposed to some of the most dangerous substances in commerce, including those that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR).
Chemical safety in the workplace represents a significant management burden for construction companies and SMEs in particular as many lack the knowledge, resources and systems for properly controlled chemical management. ChemXchange aims at eliminating a significant part of the this management burden and lightens the financial burden of the SMEs by developing a common, tailor-made, low-priced construction sector software system that centralizes the collection and quality assurance of required chemical information as well as offering other useful chemical management functionalities. Companies estimate that they can save up to 50% of their management time by using a system as ChemXchange.
At a European level, the cost of managing a chemical inventory would then be reduced by as much as € 162 M. The cost cut of the management of the risk management directive will give the sector a cost reduction of €50 M. The figures for management cost reduction of the two most central directives for chemicals in the construction sector thus give a saving for the sector of € 212 M that comes directly as a net result improvement for the sector.
“The project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by Research Executive Agency http://ec.europa.eu/research/rea (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 218355-2”