ICB took part at the first Black Sea Partnership Forum on Information Technology and Communication Systems – CONNECT, which took place on June 9-10th, 2011 in Bucharest, Romania.
BSTIP is a joint initiative of the Government of the Hellenic Republic, of the Gorernment of the Republic of Turkey, the organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP) aiming at supporting the regional economic integration process in the Black Sea region through private sector driven initiatives. The forum attracted many private ICT companies, representing 10 countries from the Black Sea region which had organized one-to-one meetings with the interested companies.
ICB presented Safe Family – software solution for banks which manages the whole cycle of cash handling (registration, transport, counting, sorting and traceability of value packages). Safe Family automates these activities and improves productivity in the processes up to 10 times. Another important part is that this solution contributes to full traceability of packages and decreases to a minimum possibilities for human errors and fraud. ICB started this project 10 years ago in Norway and this was its first own solution.
These days Safe Family is popular not only abroad but also in Bulgaria. With this solution at the moment more than 2 bilion Euro in coins and banknotes are processed every month. In Bulgaria Safe Family is integrated by CSC ( Cash Service Company), Reiffeisen Bank, Unicredit Bulbank, UBB, Emporiki Bank.
At the CONNECT forum ICB solution attracted the attention of several potential partners from Romania, Greece, Russia and Georgia which is a step ahead into more active participation of the company in the Balck Sea region IT market.