Ict Spring Europe 2010. March 15-16, 2010. Luxembourg

Start: March 15, 2010
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The first edition of ICT Spring will take place in Luxembourg, on March 15th and 16th.

Two days of conferences, workshops, business speed-dating sessions and high-level meetings to explain the latest technological evolutions, essential for the development of international players.

Elitist, international, business-oriented and centered around the strongest sectors, ICT Spring invites you to :

  • Be at the very heart of business trends
    ICT Spring is as much business as technology oriented and explains the environments in which excelling could make all the difference : eCommerce, Intellectual Property, telecoms, Financial IT, resilience…
  • Establish essential and international contacts
    If you want to be seen, form alliances, meet prescriptors and potential European clients, be at the the centre of the communauty and increase your visibility on the market, Luxembourg will be a key step in your development in 2010.
  • Discover best European practices, revealed by esteemed users
    Business and Technical Decision Makers are taking the floor, so the themed workshops and conferences unveil European best practices.

Source: ICT Spring

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