Pl.2012 – ICT systems in stadiums

Start: July 17, 2009
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Software Mind S.A. invites to the ICT Systems in Stadiums conference, which will be held on 17 June 2009 in Warsaw. The organiser of the conference is the Pl.2012 Ltd. company, one of whose tasks is to assist the host cities for UEFA EURO 2012 in the proper construction, modernisation and preparation of stadiums.
The aim of the conference is to present modern multimedia solutions and to exchange knowledge concerning teleinformation systems used in stadiums, ie.: stadium TV, wireless connectivity, stadium sound system, advertising boards and advertising outdoor screens.

During the conference, do come to Ms. Katarzyna Tarko’s presentation, who is Software Mind S.A. Product Manager, during which a state-of-the-art solution – Software Mind MultiMedia Sports Solution – will be presented.

The challenge for modern sports facilities is the ability to provide participants with targeted content and sponsored information suited each time not only to the type of audience, but also to a specific situation. The answer to these needs is sports-facilities-dedicated software – Software Mind MultiMedia Sport Solution.

Software Mind MultiMedia Sport Solution is an innovative and tested software dedicated to the modern sports facilities. The system is a multimedia communication channel whose main objective is to provide tailored information, so that the facilities can generate extra profit by from the issue of advertisements, information on additional available services.

The meeting is closed and is addressed to the representatives of UEFA EURO 2012 host cities (including football stadium construction companies), the Offices of the Euro 2012 in the cities, the main contractors, design offices, etc. The guests will include people responsible for teleinformation system concept and design preparation for particular stadiums.

Source: Software Mind

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