IDC Enterprise Mobility Forum Sofia 2012

IDC Enterprise Mobility Forum Sofia 2012
Start: June 12, 2012
Address: Sofia, Bulgaria
iCal Import

One year ago, the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicted that the IT industry’s next dominant platform, built on mobile computing, cloud services, social networking, and big data analytics technologies, would begin its transition into the mainstream. Today, spending on these technologies is growing at about 18% per year and is expected to account for at least 80% of IT spending growth between now and 2020. With future market revenues at stake, IDC predicts that 2012 will be marked by some of the first high-stakes battles as companies seek to position themselves for leadership in these critical and fast-growing technology areas.

2012 will also be the Year of Mobile Ascendency as smartphones and media tablets surpass PCs in both shipment and spending and mobile apps generate more revenue than the mainframe market. The number of intelligent, communicating devices on the network will outnumber traditional computing devices, changing the way we think and interact with one another and devices on the network. The obvious implication is that every IT vendor and CIO must have a mobile strategy as a top priority in 2012.


Source: IDC CEMA

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