Infopark Association became the partner of the research “CEE QA Outsourcing Review 2015-16”.
“CEE QA OUTSOURCING REVIEW 2015-16” is the project CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN OUTSOURCING ASSOCIATION (CEEOA). This research reveals the latest trends in Software Quality Assurance and Testing, explores the current state of software quality and testing practices across the countries in CEE region.
INFOPARK ASSOCIATION was founded as an instrument for developing Belarusian IT Industry. Infopark establishes the organizational and economic conditions under which it will be more prestigious and profitable for IT specialists to work within Belarus rather than abroad. The major Infopark challenges are coordination of activities as well as representation and protection of interests of their member-companies. Nowadays, the Association includes approximately 60 member-companies engaged in software development. Among the Association members are such software development leaders as EPAM System, Itransition, IBA Group and many other Organizations.
The Association activity is focused on the encouragement of digital transformation of economy of the Republic of Belarus. Such direction of activity facilitates the achievements of interests of the Association Members. The common point for the majority of company-members is their orientation towards the local market. Cooperating with the government as well as with business and professional communities, the Association provides the facilities for cooperation and experiences sharing, stimulates the development of digital economy in Belarus.
The most significant results Infopark reached in the financial sector by establishing the effective cooperation with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Bank IT Forum became the sequence of such cooperation. Today it is the major and the most effective platform for sharing the experience of ICT implementation and appliance in Belarus. The event assembles more than 1300 participants. This experience laid the foundation for the development in Belarus the events which are oriented to the advancement of utilizing the digital tools in business. Such tools improve the business efficiency and create the new competitive strengths. Nowadays there are more than 10 major annual conferences and forums which are organized by the affiliates of Infopark-project CJSC. Among them are:
Also Infopark Association actively promotes the interests of Belarusian IT community in the European Union (EU) and within the Eurasian Economic Union. Thus, the Association was the authored initiative of the harmonization of digital markets of Eastern Partnership Countries and EU (HDM Initiative) which was presented in Brussels together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Economy of Belarus; it was accepted by all EP Countries: and being institutionalized, it is the first example of actual work of the Eastern Partnership platform in cooperation with the leaders of the Republic of Belarus.
CEEOA together with INFOPARK invite all the companies providing QA outsourcing services from the CEE region to participate in the online survey. The participation in the research allows your company to get the recognition as one of the active players in the QA outsourcing services provision market in the CEE region.