Blue Bridge, one of the biggest Lithuanian information technology (IT) companies, has developed and implemented information security management systems for Lietuvos Pastas (Lithuanian Post) and Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai (Eastern Distribution Networks). The newly implemented systems will ensure more effective protection of the companies’ information systems and information.
“As a supplier of electric power to more than 750 thousand consumers, we feel responsibility for high-quality servicing of the clients. In many cases, it depends on the correctness and reliability of client information and possibilities to manage this information. The newly implemented information security system will guarantee the security and reliability of the information managed in the company, and will allow ensuring security of client data”, says Jonas Piliponis, the Head of the IT Infrastructure Division of the Information Technologies Department of AB Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai.
According to Anatolijus Mitrofanovas, the Strategic Projects Manager of AB Lietuvos Pastas, the most important goal of the company in implementing the new system was to improve information security management thus ensuring more effective operation of the company. “When this system is in place, the number of infringements of information security as well as their consequences for the business will decrease. Therefore, the quality of operational processes and satisfaction of users of our services will improve”, A. Mitrofanovas states.
Blue Bridge has developed information security risks management processes and implemented them in Lietuvos Pastas and Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai as well as performed the most important operations related to the development and implementation of the information security management system. The information security management systems were developed with regard to the requirements of the security management system standard LST ISO 27001.
Also, for Lietuvos Pastas, specialists of Blue Bridge drew up the rules for information security requirements and user administration, the procedure for the preparation of information security documents and assessment and minimisation of data protection risks, and the IT activities continuity plan.
“The information security management systems implemented for Lietuvos Pastas and Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai will allow minimisation of risks because infringements of IT security may affect the companies’ activities. It will also help to store information in a systematic and coordinated manner as well as to reduce the expenses allocated for this purpose”, Dalius Butkus, the Sales and Marketing Director of Blue Bridge, claims.