INFOTEL Laurel Award for EXATEL SA for the implementation of VPN MPLS network for ARiMR

EXATEL SA has been honoured with the INFOTEL Laurel Award in the category of „Implementation” for the realization of the Poland largest data transmission network based on VPN MPLS technology for the Agency of Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARiMR). The award ceremony took place on 13rd April in Lodz this year during the IX INFOTEL Congress.

On behalf of EXATEL Management Board a statuette received by Vice-President of Marketing and Sales – Mr. Piotr Bledzinski

Nationwide INFOTEL Laurel Award Competition has been organized for 12 years by MSG Media, publisher of INFOTEL – magazine devoted to the modern electronic communication. The aim of the competition is to promote people, companies and institutions who have particular achievements for telecommunication trade. Awards are granted to the authors of modern electronic communication solutions, that have been developed in companies, laboratories and research centers. Moreover, the companies that develop and implement innovative electronic communication projects are also granted.

This year the honorary patronage of the competition were performed by The Ministry of Infrastructure, The National Broadcasting Council, The Office of Electronic Communication, Ministry of the Interior and Administration, The National Agricultural Chamber of Electronic and Telecommunication, The Polish Chamber of Informatics and Telecommunication, The Polish Chamber of Electronic Communication, The Polish Chamber of the Digital Radio Diffusion and The International Lodz Fair.

INFOTEL Laurel Awards were accreted by Competition Commission, that has been established by INFOTEL Programme Board comprised representatives of polish technical universities and leading experts in telecommunications and teleinformatics
Awards and statuettes designed by artist – Marek Guczalski, were granted in the following categories: electronic communications systems, system elements, services, implementation, electronic media as well as for company, person and institution.

EXATEL SA was awarded for unique solution in the category of “Implementation” for wide data transmission network for the Agency of Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture,  covering 325 locations. This project was implemented in cooperation with Railway Telecomm.

Till 2008, the wide structure of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture  was based on the network built in Frame Relay technology. It required the modernization and implementation of innovative solutions that bring new opportunities related to the functioning of the Agency in scope of traffic classes differentiation, voice transfer, video conference services, increase data rate and security. VPN MPLS technology allows  to build a single network to handle all types of data, transmitted within the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture and guarantees a quality of their transmission. The new network was built by consortium of companies  EXATEL (leader) and the Railway Telecomm. It covered all ARiMR structure locations, which consists of 325 units (each location is a base link with a back-up link) and helps farmers in quick applying the application forms for EU funds. ARiMR network in the moment of their start up at the turn of 2008-2009, was the largest MPLS network in Poland.

Due to national mourning, the award ceremony was held with proper dignity. The  entertainment part of the ceremony was cancelled as well as additional attraction not related with the competition.

Source: EXATEL

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