ISO 9001 Certification for AMBO

The quality management system of AMBO meets the requirements of international standard EN ISO 9001:2008. The ISO 9001 certification by the International Organization for Standardization is an internationally recognized quality standard, which is a process oriented and internationally recognized quality management system.

The standard is based on the fundamental principle of continuous improvement at all levels. This ensures that the AMBO employees deliver quality on the project’s full life cycle, using optimal work processes and the best practices in project management. Many customers require this certificate, it is the basis for contracts and it is indispensable for a successful business.

For AMBO the primary goal was and remains the satisfaction and business success of their customers. The most important task is the perfect understanding of the needs of every customer and developing lasting partnerships based on trust and professionalism. As a final result, this will improve the customer’s competitiveness, thanks to the use of the highest quality IT technologies.

Source: AMBO

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