Issue Prospectus prepared by FreeSoft Plc. have been approved by Decision E-III/20.430/2008 of Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority at 11th July 2008.
FreeSoft Software Development and Information Technology Services Public Limited Company (hereinafter called FreeSoft Plc., head office: 1117. Budapest, Neumann J. u. 1/c.) hereby informs its investors and the participants of the financial and capital market that Issue Prospectus of 90.000 shares of HUF 1.000 nominal value, registered, dematerialized, earlier privately issued in a share capital, prepared by the Company for official listing on “Shares – B” category of Budapest Stock Exchange, have been approved by Decision E-III/20.430/2008 of Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority at 10th July 2008.
Issue Prospectus can be seen from 11th July 2008 on the website of the Company ( and on the website of Budapest Stock Exchange ( or at the headquarter of the Company (1117 Budapest, Neumann Janos u. 1/c.).