Information Systems and Technologies IST’2009. 16-17th of November 2009, Minsk, Belarus

Start: November 16, 2009
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The Organizing Committee invites You to take part in the work of the International conference-forum «Information Systems and Technologies» on the 16-17th of November 2009, Minsk, Belarus.

The Conference-Forum Purpose: the progress of the industry of information technologies development through the consolidation of interests of national system of education, science and IT-business.

The Conference-Forum Organizers: The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Belorussian State University, Belorussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Scientific and Technological Association “INFOPARK”.

The event is carried out with the assistance of The Administration of the Belarus Hi-Tech Park, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus.

The Conference-Forum coordinator: CJSC “Infopark-Project”.

The General Partner – Scientific and Technological Association “INFOPARK”.

Focus audience of the Conference-Forum:

  1. The representatives of the academic sector of Belarus and foreign countries;
  2. The representatives of national IТ-industry and foreign ICT- enterprises.
  3. The representatives of state bodies and establishments of Belarus.

Major tasks of the Conference-Forum:

  1. To create a platform for discussing experience and prospects of interaction of national system of education and science and IT-business.
  2. To contribute to the development of national software engineering specialists’ training system  in accordance with the needs of IT-industry.
  3. To present to the focus audience:
    - innovative achievements and accumulated experience of Belorussian academic establishments in software engineering;
    - innovative developments of software engineering companies;
    - academic programs and projects of leading foreign ICT- enterprises.
  4. To assist experience exchange and expansion of interregional and foreign relations in software engineering area.

Location: Conference-halls and lecture-halls of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Belorussian State University, Belorussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
The format of the Conference-Forum involves:

  1. Plenary session.
  2. A press-conference.
  3. Scientific conference working sessions.
  4. A scientific discussion club.
  5. A seminar on academic networks (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association – TERENA).
  6. A presentation-seminar on innovative developments (ST LLC «Luxsoft»).
  7. Subject round tables.
  8. Interaction centers.
  9. Final session.

The main subject lines of the Conference-Forum:

  1. National academic sphere in the area of IT-development and IT-industry companies: presentation of innovative achievements, needs and possibilities analysis in the context of interaction, searching of new content and forms of fruitful interaction.
  2. Foreign experience of interaction of universities, scientific establishments and IT-business in the sphere of IT-specialists training.
  3. Subject lines of working sessions of the scientific conference:
    - Computer security and the reliability of information systems.
    - Pattern recognition and computer analysis of data.
    - Software engineering.
    - Software reliability and quality.
    - Parallel and distributed data processing.
    - Intellectual information systems.
    - The designing of embedded systems.
    - Information technologies in education. Academic programs of leading foreign ICT-enterprises.
    - IT-infrastructure.

Source: IT Ukraine

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