IT – A Way Out of the Crisis

CN Group participated on 21.9.2009 in a seminar called IT – A Way Out of the Crisis that took place in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic. The round table was organised by Czech ICT Alliance in co-operation with members of the Czech Parliament. Key-notes were given by:

Hana Sulcova, CN Group Director sales and Czech ICT Alliance Board member

Davida Seicha (ODS) M.P.

Michal Zalesak Czech ICT Alliance Director

Dana Berova Director Business Development at Gartner CZ/SK and former Informatics Minister 

Otto Vitous UNICORN Board member

Antonin Kazda (ODS) Town Councillor Prague 1

Jaromir Drabek (TOP 09) Chairman of National Board at the International Chamber of Commerce in Czech Republic and former President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce

The seminar delegates tried to find answers to questions like:

  • How to use the potential of the IT sector to overcome the crisis?
  • What is preventing us from being the Central european leader in IT
  • What is the opinion of the Czech political parties on the situation?

We heard important and heavy arguments why the Czech IT sector deserves much more political support from the government. Then a new concept of developing the Czech ICT sector was presented with the vision of transforming the country in an real Central european IT leader.

Source: CN Group

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