IT-Conference. Software Development & Outsourcing. Using outsourcing to strengthen your business: do’s and don’ts. 3 november 2009. Netherlands

Start: November 3, 2009
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Kaatsheuvel ( The Netherlands ) – 3 november 2009

“Sourcing IT services from abroad is a complex undertaking offering a wealth of opportunities as well as a number of pitfalls. Coping with risks and maximizing the value of outsourcing contracts requires that the contracting parties have appropriate management skills and structures in place.

This conference is targeted at ICT organizations and professionals  who either want to learn more about outsourcing, its benefits and pitfalls, or at experienced practitioners who want to manage their  outsourcing relationships more efficiently.

For organizations that are currently not active in outsourcing, or are thinking about outsourcing as a solution for future purposes, and want to increase their strategic options in a strained market. This conference will give  them an insight and knowledge regarding to outsourcing from proven professionals active in the field.

For businesses that already have experience with outsourcing arrangements and want to leverage the value of such arrangements as well as those that only evaluate strategic perspectives of establishing such relations. Speakers from organizations such as IBM, Erasmus University and GPI Consultancy will talk on strategic choices in outsourcing, pitfalls and opportunities in nearshoring contracts, importance of knowledge sharing and other challenging topics. In addition, this event offers participants a unique chance for knowledge sharing and networking.”

If you are Interested in taking part or want to request more information concerning the conference please contact IntoPeople by mail at,


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