IT expenditure ‘to remain robust in 2009′

IT spending is expected to slow next year but remain positive, according to a new study.

Research carried out by industry analyst IDC indicates worldwide IT expenditure will grow 2.6 per cent year over year in 2009, down from the group’s pre-financial crisis forecast of 5.9 per cent expansion.

John Gantz, chief research officer at the organisation, said: “Technology is already deeply embedded in many mission-critical operations and remains critical to achieving further efficiency and productivity gains. As a result, IDC expects worldwide IT spending will continue to grow in 2009.”

He added that this puts the IT services industry in a strong position to resist the downward pull of a slowing economy.

Earlier this week, technology consultancy EquaTerra claimed the IT outsourcing industry will benefit from the current uncertain financial climate.

The organisation added IT outsourcing can help companies reduce operating costs and streamline their technology provision to better survive the financial crisis.

Source: ihotdesk

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